"Unsere Schreie sind so laut, unser Tanz ist so wild / Alle gegen Alle" Laibach, "Alle gegen Alle" Nato |
P J Harvey. I'm not able to sum up all this artist means to me right now. Maybe I will in the future. Anyway, I can safely say that she kept me from doing something very stupid in the recent past. Well, not she in person, her music. I just don't have the time now, but then again : Thats why there's this HUGE 'Under Construction' sign up there... | |
Index, the Band, the myth. I'm still not sure why I like this stuff, but it simply tops the garbage they pour out on the ether these days. Strange and inspiring mixture between Goth and Electro I'd say. Any comments ? | |
Oh well, the Grandmasters of EBM. Go to Mr. Natchos site, he has more info. We're going to see them on a festival in July. Wanna come ? |