Mantis "You know me, and I sure know you - Everyone"
Front 242, "Masterhit"
Official Version

People I don't wish to kill
(In no particular order.)
Bj0rn the RadiatoR My bestest buddy, or something. Well, not really. We hardly know each other, despite all the time we spent together in murky basements and stuffy atticks playing out our darkest fantasies... (I'm talking aobout RPGs, you twit ! Stop snickering !) Anyway, now that he's about to become a psychologist, maybe he can help me get back on the ground and lead a normal life (yawn)... well, then again, maybe not. I guess since his definition of normal is at least as warped as mine, he won't be very helpful. But he is a great Gamesmaster, that's out of the question. Hail to the king.
Mr. Natcho What can I say about Mr. Natcho ? Since he is becoming one of the countries' leading weapons suppliers, I'd better not say anything at all, lest I wish to provoke his wrath and that of his homes upon me. Cruise on, dewd.
D.-Menace My brother and the living proof that it's not my DNA that's gone bad. My parents are innocent ! The environment is to blame for my slow decay. Anyway, he's sub-zero.
Fran Franziska. The girl I drive to college with. I meet her every Monday and Thursday and joke about stuff. Well, actually she does all the joking. I've never been so ruthlessly put down ! She's the typical impish Archetype. Probably the best thing that ever happened to me in my educational career. I guess it won't get better, either. She's leaving town at the end of this summer. It will be a long winter, then.
Katja A punk I know from High School. Lives in Berlin now. One of the most interesting women I ever met. After she had her coming out as a lesbian, my admiration only increased.
Birgit Birgit Gorny. I don't know where she is. If anyone knows her, mail me, please ! I've met her in America while I was there as an exchange-student a few years ago. She's somewhere around. I trust that fate will give me the chance to see her again, or I'll be very upset !